
The word “Nubosas” defines perfectly our company objective, cloud services. In Esperanto it means ‘cloudy’ and at the same time, it's a word game: ‘nubo’, in esperanto ‘cloud’ and ‘sas’, which comes from the acronym SaaS (Software as a Service).

We are a young company but with a career path of near two decades in different areas, mainly focused in server handling and SaaS application development.

At nubosas we believe in free software, which doesn't mean it's free as in beer. The opportunities it offers, both at the level of knowledge sharing and the elimination of any dependence with a specific provider. We believe that the quality of our work is guarantee enough of satisfaction for our customers to decide to maintain a long relationship with us. If at any time we disappoint the expectations of our customers, we like to give them the freedom to explore other options. We want satisfied customers, not hostages.

We consider that we have an obligation to our environment, so that, within our possibilities, we try that part of our work has an impact on society by contributing to existing free software projects and releasing part of our developments free of charge.